Cloud and security are main IT spending areas this year

May 20, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from Channelbiz. Author: Antony Savvas.

New cloud-based solutions (56 percent) and data security (50 percent) are the key areas of investment for IT departments in the UK this year, according to research. A study of 400 senior IT decision makers from medium and large organisations in the UK, France and Germany has established the main spending priorities of firms.

Cloud solutions are seen as a key investment priority as they enable the simple management of data, documents and applications employees use on their devices. Through cloud computing, businesses are also able to use IT on demand, enabling them to upscale or downsize their computing provision in line with business growth…

The research, commissioned by Toshiba, highlights the challenges IT staff face in the midst of a growing proliferation of devices and the rise of the Internet of Things, and how these trends are driving new and increased expectations from both employees and the boardroom…