Controlling Hybrid Cloud Complexity with Containers: CoreOS, rkt, and Image Standards

May 1, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InfoQ.  Author: Josh Wood.

 While the public cloud draws headlines, deployments on public Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings may not satisfy the regulatory, security, or performance demands of every workload. The economics of cloud metering do not fit every scenario, and a loosely-accounted and somewhat mysteriously large AWS bill has become increasingly common on CTO desks.

An emerging hybrid pattern sees deployments divided between sensitive or otherwise prioritized on-premises jobs, and commodity tasks running on public cloud infrastructure, in an attempt to best exploit the strengths of each environment…

In the largest or most tightly regulated enterprise deployments, the desire to provision and to account platforms and infrastructure as an internal service, or even to monetize data center investments by offering utility access downstream, prompts concerns with portability, flexibility, and modularity in the components from which enterprise services are constructed…

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