Are Cloud Computing Scares a Dying Trend?

March 17, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from SWNS. Author: Editorial Staff.

Cloud computing is on the rise, but behind the virtual cloud there isn’t always a silver lining. In recent months the mainstream media has picked up on some serious issues with the cloud services of some major companies and organisations – and that’s caused some to question the safety of this technology.

Indeed, whether it was the ASUS incident where the company put thousands of users at risk by failing to fix a flaw in their routers or the LA Hospital security breach where malware in an email allowed hackers to lockdown the system and demand a ransom, cloud services have taken a beating recently…

The Benefit of Servers in the Sky

Fortunately however, incidents such as those outlined above are few and far between and despite some of the negative press, cloud services are now changing our virtual lives. Whether it’s making us more secure through cloud-based firewalls or GaaS (Gaming As A Service through cloud servers), the Internet is becoming a much more intricate place thanks to servers in the sky…

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