Cloud Computing: AWS offers part-time computing at a discount

January 15, 2016 Off By David

Grzed from InfoWorld. Author: Serdar Yegulalp.

In a new twist, Amazon has again repackaged and repriced its services, this time allowing Amazon EC2 instances to be treated as if they were scheduled jobs — at up to 10 percent off Amazon’s usual prices. SRI (Scheduled Reserved Instances) allows customers to "reserve capacity on a recurring basis with a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule over the course of a one-year term," according to the blog post announcing the new feature.

Purchasing an SRI is similar to setting up a conventional reserved instance. After the user selects a time frame for running instances, Amazon provides a list of instance types available for that segment. To that end, using SRIs slightly resembles using EC2 Spot instances. Instead of bidding for capacity, as one would with a Spot Instance, customer bids for one of a limited number of usage slots available in a given window…

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