Part 1: The Cloud, The IoE, And You – Why everything is becoming inextricably woven, especially in the datacenter

November 13, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from SemiEngineering. Author: Ernest Worthman.

If you’re anywhere in the high-tech biz, the two terms that are rocking your world are the Internet of Everything and the Cloud. Whether you are on the inside track of these, or on the sidelines, they are going to be two of the most disruptive technologies of the 21st century. The cloud is already here and gaining momentum.

Some people will argue that the cloud has been here since the inception of the Internet—or that it is the Internet. They define cloud computing as, simply, having access to data and programs via the Internet rather than going to your computer’s hard drive. While that has some element of accuracy, the original representation of the cloud can be traced back to early explanations and drawings of the Internet. It was a big, puffy, white cloud, interconnected to everything and existing above everything…

That definition has changed of late and the cloud has taken on its own persona, separate from the Internet, and even more so from the IoE. A better definition is that the Internet of today, and the IoE of tomorrow, will be the medium that accesses the cloud, where some applications and the majority of data will be stored…

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