The symbiosis between Financial Tech startups and cloud

September 27, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from EnterpriseInnovation.  Author: Harry Singh.

 In today’s modern world, there’s an app for everything. We use them to check our bank balances, order a cab, play games, and so much more. Many of these apps have been developed by small start-up companies, or even individuals. But how do they scale-up to reach their target audience? They make their apps available to a ready-made market of users on a recognised platform.  How about if the same principal was applied to the world of the financial markets?

Over the last decade, the financial sector has experienced significant regulatory upheaval. We’ve witnessed a new approach to supervising financial institutions, with regulators moving from a ‘light touch’ approach to an ‘interventionist’ one…

This new regulatory landscape has levelled the playing field and acted as an incubator for innovation. As a result, we’ve seen a proliferation of fintech (financial technology) start-up companies appear. These nimble and dynamic teams are introducing new and exciting apps and services to the banking world…

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