Without Cloud, iPad Pro is an executive’s desk paperweight

September 13, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ZDNet.  Author: Jason Perlow.

The iPad Pro. There’s been a lot of fallout as to whether this machine is truly enterprise worthy, is or isn’t a laptop replacement, or if the device will resonate with prosumers and enterprises.  I maintain that despite the misleading "Pro" moniker, this device is not an enterprise-class device, nor is it well-suited for many kinds of existing vertical market applications, for a number of reasons. But I’m not going to re-hash that in this piece.

The success (or lack thereof) of this device is going to hinge upon whether or not an elite group of high-level business executives at large corporations are going to want to use one of these as their primary device instead of a Mac or Windows laptop or even a regular iPad, like they may use today…

We need to better understand the use case for why this device was developed in the first place, and who it was actually targeted to. The size and resolution of the display on this device is a dead giveaway — consumption of video, documents, and visualization of data…

Read more from the source @ http://www.zdnet.com/article/without-cloud-ipad-pro-is-an-executives-desk-paperweight/