How to optimize dynamic hybrid cloud management

September 11, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from TechTarget. Author: Tom Nolle.

Application planners, architects and operations managers all know that deployment of applications today is complicated by application componentization, workflow steering and cloud adoption. Most use tools like DevOps to facilitate deployment, but hybrid clouds can defeat even those tools.

To understand hybrid cloud management, understand the challenges hybrid clouds pose for even modern management tools, think of application deployment and redeployment in layers, and recognize that full management automation is the final goal, so it’s critical to know whether your hybrid cloud management approach will lead there…

The deployment of an application in a data center is usually driven by a script- or model-based tool like DevOps that automates the steps to be taken. Because these steps typically involve setup functions, this could be called the "configuration" era. Experience has shown that without some sort of deployment automation there’s a high risk of errors and application failures, and even security or compliance problems. With the right DevOps tools, operations personnel can deploy even complex applications correctly…

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