A love affair with the public cloud, and why it makes sense

July 26, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ITProPortal.

So you’ve decided to move to the cloud. What’s it to be? Public? Private? Hybrid? Multi-cloud? So many questions and so many options. You start studying the pros and cons of various options. You even check out what your competitors are using. It’s not a simple decision, and believe us, we truly understand.
What makes a cloud a cloud?
So, is the cloud just a set of servers running in a data centre somewhere? Not quite. There are a few fundamental qualities that clouds are required to have in order to qualify for that tag. Here’s a few that are conventionally considered important:…

A pay-as-you-go model.
In this model, buyers pay only for what they use and these costs are typically incurred as variable OpEx rather than CapEx as typically happens with hardware infrastructure that a buyer may purchase outright…

Read more from the source @ http://www.itproportal.com/2015/07/26/love-affair-with-public-cloud-why-makes-sense/#ixzz3h0DEhWnL