Are You Selling Trust and Transparency In Your Cloud Approach?

July 8, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from MSPMentor. Author: Michael Brown.

MSPs build trust with customers and prospects by providing transparency in their approach to cloud data storage and cloud-based file sharing. Because many businesses are cautious about making the transition to cloud computing. When customers move their data and applications to the cloud, they’re relinquishing some of their control. Of course, many find this disturbing. In this environment, how can you alleviate stress and establish trust?


One critical component of building trust is transparency. Merely claiming your services are secure and reliable isn’t enough. Transparency gives customers information about not just what you can promise, but also how you’re going to fulfill that promise. How can you achieve transparency? How can you tailor your cloud approach to build trust?…

Proactively answer some questions about your services. When it comes to data, security, and availability, you should be ready to answer such questions as:…

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