Information security and personal data protection in cloud computing – an attempt to strike a balance

June 2, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from Lexology. Author: Editorial Staff.

Cloud computing services for business purposes are rapidly gaining popularity. Gartner, an internationally renowned technology consultant, expects 33% of all companies to use cloud-based office systems in 2015. The reason for this growth is undoubtedly the flexibility of the solution: cloud services are generally provided based on the client’s demands and increases in the size of stored data do not generally incur significant incremental costs.

Although the cloud computing industry is not as strictly regulated as, for example, telecommunications, the provision of cloud computing services in Bulgaria must comply with certain personal data protection and information security requirements. Proper risk management can help business users and service providers minimise any potential commercial and/or reputational risks related to cloud computing…

The legal dimensions of the technical solutions

What are the key measures that business users and cloud service providers in Bulgaria must take in order to ensure appropriate personal data protection, information security and quality of the service provided? The response can vary substantially, depending on the service model and the deployment method for cloud services, as these allow for different levels of control for the business user over the operations conducted in the cloud. The following chart visualises this correlation in the context of, e.g., a financial institution as the business user…

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