Which IaaS vendor to choose? High price doesn’t always mean high performance

May 27, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CloudTech. Author: James Bourne.

Cloud Spectator, an analyst firm, has put together the second of its infrastructure as a service (IaaS) pricing reports, and found Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) crown slipping. The latest study, which collected over one million data points over a 24 hour period on processor and memory, examined performance alongside other patterns, such as instability and unpredictability.

Performance tests were conducted on five different virtual machine sizes across 15 IaaS providers. The results were described by the analysts as “eye-opening.” AWS’ T2 micro, with burst performance features, revealed a controlled period of high performance alongside a controlled period of lower performance, putting it right at the bottom of the table…

The high degree of fluctuation was caused by the burst performance, which occurred for three quarters of an hour during the 24 hour testing…

Read more from the source @ http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2015/may/27/which-iaas-vendor-choose-high-price-doesnt-always-mean-high-performance/