Why Amazon dominates cloud computing yet should not be your knee-jerk choice

May 27, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ZDNet. Author: Dion Hinchcliffe.

Will Amazon ultimately dominate the public cloud and IaaS? It’s perhaps the prime question now on the minds of IT strategists today as they develop their organization’s digital roadmap, for key reasons we’ll examine below. Read More Certainly, the latest industry data sure makes it seem like it, with Gartner’s brand new report on worldwide cloud infrastructure making some astonishing statements: [Amazon] is the overwhelming market share leader, with over 10 times more cloud IaaS compute capacity in use than the aggregate total of the other 14 providers. [my emphasis]

This is essentially total industry dominance in a market that is still very much finding its way, just over a decade after credible Web services-based cloud offerings first arrived. Long-standing resistance by companies — and really, it’s mostly their IT, security, and compliance departments — to the cloud hasn’t stopped some industry watchers from claiming that up to 90% of companies have already adopted some form of it today, usually SaaS but most of the XaaS variants too…

By including SaaS, this statistic is at least in the realm of possibility, though cloud still isn’t used often in mission critical or risk-sensitive parts of the typical business, even today…

Read more from the source @ http://www.zdnet.com/article/as-cloud-computing-matures-a-closer-look-at-why-amazon-dominates/