How to Overcome Cloud-Computing Jargon

May 24, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Business2Community.  Author: Matthew Langham.

Toyo Ito once said, “architects have made architecture too complex”, and highlighted the need “to simplify it and use a language that everyone can understand”. This balance must be struck in other areas to enable effective communication between company and customer.

A survey conducted by the Six Degrees Group (6DG), however, found that people think IT professionals use more jargon than bankers, lawyers and politicians combined, raising the question of how businesses globally can talk about technical concepts clearly, while ensuring that new terms do not confuse others?…

Explaining the Cloud

The Cloud is an increasingly familiar concept, and we clear up ambiguity with this new homonym through accompanying adjectives: hybrid, private and public as opposed to cirrus, stratus and cumulonimbus…

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