Dispel cloud computing confusion with our 3 Layers infographic

May 21, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from EveryCloud. Author: Editorial Staff.

The cloud can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around. What exactly is the Cloud? When are you using it? Where is it found? Sure, the cloud is useful for backing up files and accessing globally distributed software, but how does one pin down those nebulous definitions? To make matters worse, terms like “PaaS” and “SaaS” have popped up recently, further mystifying peoples’ already foggy understanding.

Fortunately we’ve put together a simple infographic breaking down the three layers of cloud computing ­ PaaS, IaaS and SaaS ­ by explaining just what each one does and how it contributes to cloud computing as a whole. From providing core computer infrastructure like operating systems and file storage at a global level, to consumer-facing software users can download or access through their web browser, these three layers encompass pretty much everything about the cloud…

To read more from the source and view infographic, please visit http://www.everycloud.eu/blog/dispel-cloud-computing-confusion-with-our-3-layers-infographic.html