Cloud Computing: NetSuite partners welcome closer Microsoft integration

May 10, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ComputerDealerNews.  Author: Jeff Jedras.

 NetSuite CEO Zach Nelson is known for his, shall we say, frank assessments of the business decisions of his enterprise resource planning (ERP) software competitors. During his keynote this year through at the annual SuiteWorld user conference, Microsoft was moved from the foes category to the friends.

After all, it would have been awkward had Nelson launched his usual broadside at Microsoft – and then had CEO Satya Nadella pop up on the video screen to greet SuiteWorld attendees. In fact, NetSuite and Microsoft will be working together a lot more closely in the future…

The two vendors announced a new strategic cloud alliance focused around Office 365 and Microsoft Azure. Integration for single sign-on between NetSuite and Azure Active Directory is available now, tighter integration between NetSuite and Office and 365 is on the way to allow access to both solutions from a single interface, and NetSuite itself will leave Amazon Web Services for Azure…

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