Why Cloud Can’t Escape the Law of Entropy

May 4, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ComputerWorld. Author: Judy Ko.

“Cloud makes everything so easy.” “Cloud computing is the great democratizer.” “Simplicity is the essence of cloud.” These are among the tried and true benefits that are trotted out in praise of cloud computing, and in many senses they have proven true. Hence, the now very mainstream adoption of cloud applications and computing platforms that we see all around us.

But the laws of physics cannot be ignored, no matter how amazing the technology is. Recalling your high school physics class: things that begin in a state of simplicity and order devolve toward complexity and disorder, unless you apply work. (Witness Saturday mornings in my house as neatly organized toys and LEGOs inevitably evolve into a disaster zone—apologies for the not entirely accurate yet highly representative analogy.)…

And as cloud has become the norm, the law of entropy is now becoming apparent in the cloud realm, despite its initial breathtaking simplicity and ease…

Read more from the source @ http://www.computerworld.com/article/2917948/big-data/why-cloud-can-t-escape-the-law-of-entropy.html