NSA’s Grand Plan to Snowden-Proof Its Data Using the Cloud

April 14, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from NextGov.  Author: Frank Konkel.

Almost two years ago, the National Security Agency forever lost its “No Such Agency” nickname at the hands of one of its contractors — a once-trusted insider by the name of Edward Snowden.

Snowden’s stream of leaked NSA secrets about classified surveillance programs shined the public spotlight on the clandestine government organization. Though the stream has now dissipated to a trickle, the impact to the intelligence community continues…

To privacy activists, Snowden’s leaks were a godsend. They forced a national discussion on government surveillance and even coaxing the likes of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to admit the intelligence community needs to be more transparent…

Read more from the source @ http://www.nextgov.com/cloud-computing/2015/04/how-nsa-using-cloud-snowden-proof-its-data/109903/