How Far Along In The Cloud Are You?

March 3, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: CJ Arlotta.

There’s a way of thinking about cloud computing that the channel needs to throw out the window faster than IBM can lay off employees — and that’s the "all or nothing" approach. Not everything needs to live in the cloud, even though almost every partner conference points you in this direction.

There are times when businesses will want to keep sensitive data on the ground, and their needs — not a vendor’s solutions roadmap — are what keep you in business, don’t you agree? Going all in with cloud isn’t always the best route for every channel partner. Some business models leave room for opportunity in the cloud while others don’t…

What’ll happen to your margins if you move certain offerings to the cloud? Sit down and do the math. Find out what works best for you…

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