Cloud makes enterprise-grade big data analytics widely available

February 28, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from DataPipe.  Author: Chris Bateman.

The rise of big data analytics was a game-changer for just about every industry. For years, businesses have possessed tremendous amounts of raw, unstructured data that they thought was more or less unusable, as there was no way to glean valuable insight from the information in this form.

With advanced big data analytics, though, this was no longer the case. Quickly, enterprises began to leverage these big data resources, gaining unprecedented insight into their markets, as well as their own operations.  Now, increasingly, big data analytics’ impact is growing, thanks to accelerating influence of cloud computing…

With the cloud, organizations of all kinds and sizes – including small to mid-sized businesses – can now take advantage of enterprise-grade analytics solutions. And to truly make the most of these solutions, companies need to look for the most reliable, capable managed service providers in this space…

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