Cloud Computing: It’s not the technology…stupid

January 25, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from CIO.  Author: Tony Pagliarulo.

As we began the New Year, industry prognosticators and research firms published their lists of major technology predictions and trends that could have a major impact on organizations in 2015.  We continued to hear about the growing impact of “big data”, the “Internet of things”, cloud computing, and the increasing impact of emerging technologies such as 3D printing, wearables and smart machines.

My research and discussions with dozens of CIOs and line of business executives over the past year indicate that the strategic importance of IT and the role of the CIO continue to grow in importance.  Organizations are willing to invest more in technology; however they are expecting a significant increase in business results and at a much faster speed…

Time to value is a phrase that’s been repeated to me many times over.  While the potential of these new technologies and the capabilities they bring signify a massive opportunity to transform organizations, from a CIO perspective they represent increased complexity and pressure to deliver new capabilities at an accelerated pace.  CIOs face the challenge of how to assess, select and implement those technologies which might have a positive business impact while at the same time they optimize current services, maintain legacy systems and motivate their workforce…

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