Amazon, Google clock best cloud uptimes as Azure struggles

January 14, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: Serdar Yegulalp.

If uptime and availability are what matter most in a cloud provider — for many, they are — Amazon and Google currently lead the pack. Azure, on the other hand, has a ways to go. Cloud-service analytics firm CloudHarmony, which harvests statistics about the uptimes and reliability behaviors of dozens of cloud hosts, recently released statistics detailing total availability across 2014 for all the hosts it tracks.

The list includes major names like Amazon and Azure, up-and-comers like SoftLayer, midtier players like Rackspace, and other, smaller providers like Vault Networks and DigitalOcean. Tracked services don’t include only cloud VM services like Amazon’s EC2, but also CDN, DNS, object storage, and application engines…

Amazon’s high scores probably comes as little surprise, given the company’s efforts in solving problems of scale from the inside out. Outages on Amazon are typically measured in minutes or seconds, not hours; its single worst EC2 outage of 2014, by CloudHarmony’s tally, was a 90-minute interruption in its southeast server region…

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