The Pivotal ‘Cloud Foundry Story’

January 11, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from SysCon Media.  Author: Pat Romanski.

Cloud Foundry open Platform as a Service makes it easy to operate, scale and deploy application for your dedicated cloud environments. It enables developers and operators to be significantly more agile, writing great applications and deliver them in days instead of months.

Cloud Foundry takes care of all the infrastructure and network plumbing that you need to build, run and operate your applications and can do this while patching and updating systems and services without any downtime…

In his session at 15th Cloud Expo, Dekel Tankel, product executive at Pivotal Software, provided an overview of Cloud Foundry concepts and vast partner ecosystem. He introduced Pivotal CF – a commercial distribution of Cloud Foundry for enterprise private clouds, including a live demo and customer adoption stories…

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