Outsourcing, er, cloud trends in 2015 – Cloud and outsourcing connected at the hip

January 11, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from CIO Forum.  Author: John Dodge.

Outsourcing and cloud computing are first cousins if not siblings. No, they are not idential twins, but any broad discussion of outsourcing is heavily laced with cloud computing.  So it was with substantial interested I read "10 outsourcing trends to watch n 2015" over at CIO.com.

The story hits on some interesting trends such as the end of RFP model for outsoucing contracts. "Imagine floating a ‘request for food’ every time you’re deciding on a restaurant," says Pratham Mittal co-founder of VenturePact, a marketplace connecting providers with customers. No, I cannot imagine that…

The idea is that businesses move too fast and do not wish to be weighed down by a time-consuming and clumsy process. RFPs are sort of like big IT projects. By the time they’re completed, they outdated…

Read more from the source @ http://www.enterprisecioforum.com/en/blogs/jdodge/outsourcing-er-cloud-trends-2015