The Ethics of Cloud Computing – Part 1

January 7, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from SkyTap. Author: Seth Payne.

Cloud computing seems to still be one of the reigning buzzwords in high-tech these days. Everything is either “in the cloud”, “powered by the cloud”, or some variation on the theme. I remember when hosted email was just that: hosted email. Today, such offerings are considered cloud offerings even though they have not changed in any substantive way since being first offered well over 15 years ago.

This is to take nothing away from the significant technology shift cloud computing represents. Without question, virtualization, storage services, and even application tier services such as Heroku, have fundamentally changed the way applications are both developed and deployed. And yet, we are still working with the same essential technology that we always have: compute, network, and storage…

The reason cloud computing is so attractive is because it affords us incredible flexibility in how these basic elements are utilized. The cloud provides us both speed and specialized toolsets…

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