RightScale: Do Enterprises Want Private, Public or Hybrid Clouds?

February 19, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: Dan Kobialka.

Hybrid cloud is becoming more popular among enterprises, which is reflected in new data from RightScale. RightScale’s "2015 State of the Cloud Report" showed that many enterprises are focused on implementing a hybrid cloud strategy that encompasses public and private clouds along with existing virtualized environments.

Additionally, RightScale researchers found that enterprise central IT teams are now making the majority of cloud spending decisions in organizations worldwide. "As enterprise IT has become more open to public cloud and more comfortable with cloud security, it is now in a strong position to broker cloud services to internal customers and drive cloud adoption forward," RightScale CEO Michael Crandell said in a prepared statement…

Read more from the source @ http://talkincloud.com/cloud-computing-research/02192015/rightscale-do-enterprises-want-private-public-or-hybrid-clouds