Not all clouds are born equal: IaaS vs. SaaS vs. Paas

June 11, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from OnBase. Author: David Jones.

I like to compare the different enterprise content management (ECM) cloud deployment types to my children playing with Legos. We have a large box of Lego pieces that my children can use to build anything. My eldest daughter loves this ground-up style of playing and can make some fascinating creations – simply by combining raw bricks and her imagination.

This compares to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in that all of the raw components to host a cloud solution are provided – servers, virtual machines, load balancers and so on. What is required is the guile and skill to combine these components (Lego bricks) with the required software tools (imagination) to create the desired effect…

The IaaS approach is not for the fainthearted, and tends to be used by those with high levels of technical competence and the desire for total control over the infrastructure and solution. (My daughter will be delighted to know that she has high technical competence as a Lego engineer!) From an ECM perspective, this is the option chosen for those who want to do their own hosting; perhaps for an organization that has already purchased an ECM solution, but wants to take it to the next level by combining it with the benefits of cloud…

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