New Cloud Foundry app validates cloud portability

November 13, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from GigaOM. Author: Barb Darrow.

One hurdle to corporate adoption of PaaSes is customer concern about being locked into one vendor’s platform. A new Cloud Foundry app will let them, in real time, see which of several Cloud Foundry PaaSes will run their workloads.

Cloud Foundry wants its Platform-as-a-Service to be the basis for a wide array of PaaSes going forward — a sort of super Paas foundation. And so far, it’s got some promising partners in that effort: AppFog, Uhuru, ActiveState, and Tier 3 all offer PaaSes based on Cloud Foundry…

To add more transparency, Cloud Foundry is now offering now offering an application to help customers check out what features and services are available from any public CloudFoundry endpoint…

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