Cloud Computing: Microsoft Azure Gets SSD-Backed Storage Virtual Machines

September 25, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: Chris Talbot.

The use of solid state disk (SSD) storage is definitely on the rise in cloud computing as cloud services providers look for ways to offer greater performance in their virtual machines (VMs) and instances. Microsoft (MSFT) is the latest public cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provider to see the SSD light.

Microsoft has launched new VMs called the D-Series, which are backed by SSD storage for better performance and more flexibility in the size of customers’ instances. The new sizes range up to 112GB in memory with compute processors Microsoft noted are 60 percent faster than the A-Series VM sizes…

"Even better, these sizes have up to 800 GB of local SSD disk for blazingly fast reads and writes. The new sizes offer an optimal configuration for running workloads that require increased processing power and fast local disk I/O. These sizes are available for both Virtual Machines and Cloud Services," wrote Kenaz Kwa, program manager for Azure Compute Runtime, in a blog post…

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