Cloud Computing And Big Data

December 27, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from CloudTweaks. Author: Abdul Salam.

The cloud is all about applications, media and information. But of the three, media seems to be the largest with applications coming in at close second, while information ranks last place. But what we are seeing in the last two years suggests that information and other data is gaining ground and will soon overtake the other two in terms of relevance, at least in the non-consumer space, the business side. Experts are calling this “Big Data” and it is all about data processing and analytics.

Everything we do online from social networking to e-commerce purchases, chatting, and even simple browsing yields tons of data that certain organizations collect and poll together with other partner organizations. The results are massive volumes of data, hence the name “Big Data”. This includes personal and behavioral profiles that are stores, managed, and analyzed on demand…

On the more academic side of things, our world is undoubtedly data-driven. We have vast data which comprises knowledge bases from a multitude of disciplines like science with its databases for astronomy, genomics, medicine, zoology, and even environment, weather and transportation data. We also have the Humanities and Social Sciences with its vast resources on historical documents and social interactions data. And then we have Business & Commerce, Entertainment, and social networking which would possibly be the current leader in data growth on a daily basis…

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