2013 Prediction: Cloud Computing Will Disrupt Healthcare

December 28, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from Business2Community.  Author: Lindsey Nelson.

As we come to a close on 2012, everyone’s making their predictions for next year. This year I have had the opportunity to write about Cloud computing and its impact on so many areas.  But where do I think it will have the biggest impact in 2013? Only in an industry that is expected to be a $5.4 billion market by 2017, Healthcare.

Typically slow to adapt new technologies due to very legitimate reasons such as data security and privacy, the Health Care industry is perfectly poised to reap the benefits cloud has to offer.  How?…

Picture this, it’s March of 2013, you’re currently living in New York and have been getting really bad headaches. So you make an appointment and go to the doctor to get blood work, an MRI, and a physical. The doctor finds out what’s wrong, writes you a prescription and sends you on your way.

Six months later, with the medicine working just fine, your company sends you to San Diego on a long term assignment. Two weeks into your new adventure your head starts hurting again and the pill originally prescribed are ineffective. You don’t have time to go back to NYC to your doctor so you go to another one in San Diego…

Read more from the source @ http://www.business2community.com/tech-gadgets/2013-prediction-cloud-computing-will-disrupt-healthcare-0365552